Shamanic Healing what is it about? © John Russell -Mψller 2010
It is natural to be a powerful and soulful person spiritually, psychologically, mentally and physically.
It is natural to feel whole and complete.
It is natural to have clear head and feel lightness in your body.
It is natural to have a good love-competence and fairness-competence.
It is natural to have strong integrity and strong borders.
It is natural to seep well, eat healthy and exercise.
It is natural to be in touch with your conscience, your inner spiritual voice.
It is natural to function well amongst other people, and feel good in your own company, when you are alone.
It is natural to have a good sense of humour, to laugh and play.
It is natural to be responsible.
It is natural to feel at home in your body and your life on this earth.
It is natural to perceive everything in the world as alive, soulful and sacred.
The purpose of shamanic healing is to help people be better at living more in accord with their own true nature, others nature and all of Nature and live less in disaccord with their own true nature, others nature and all of Nature.
Shamans practise various healing ceremonies (treatments), which serve the purpose of helping people achieve the tings that mentioned in the above.
When the shaman speaks with the spirits on behalf of a person or group of persons (clairvoyance), you might say there, in a sense, also is a kind of healing going on; healing of peoples lack of information, lack of inspiration, lack of hope etc.
When the shaman is conversing with the spirits, the client is a passive spectator to what is going on; and when the shaman is doing a healing of intrusions, deficiencies or injuries to the soul, the patient must participate actively in her/his own healing process.
With spirit conversations you usually meet with the shaman only once. Healings are usually longer processes, where you meet with the shaman a number of times i.e. once a week for 4 to 8 weeks.
In the state of trance the shaman may fly into people and discover what is there. He flies to the world of the dead and speaks with foremothers and forefathers, and may ask them for wisdom and magical powers to use for the healing.
The shamanic healings serve the purpose of removing evil spirits, curses, possessions and other negative powers and to acquire things people may lack i.e. totem animals, lost soul parts and wisdom, so you can live more in accordance with your own true nature and live naturally. Free and strong!
In our culture a shamanic trance healing usually takes 1 to 2 hours.