When the shaman dreams
© John Russell-M๘ller 2009
Occasionally I dream a dream for someone. This is what happens.
First I must talk to the person who needs the dream.
Next I must explain to the dream-seeker, about the dream-needer's situation.
Then the dream-seeker must now go to the dream-mother, who is to give birth to the dream.
The dream-mother must find a suitable partner, who can farther the dream.
The dream-mother is now pregnant for some time, and when the dream has received life, she is born out of the dream-mothers womb.
Then the dream-mother must raise the dream, so she can behave appropriately in the culture she is to function in.
Now the dream-seeker can bring the dream to the dreamer (me), who must be in a particular type of trance, when I receive the dream. The dreamer must be awake while he is asleep, so he can see the dream, while she is being dreamt.
Then I write down the dream and send it to the dream-needer.
Now the dream-needer calls and says she can't understand the dream.
I try to help her understand, why the dream is not supposed to be 'understood' and she can't understand that either.
I then try to explain to the dream-needer, that the dream is inspiration and not information the dream is a gift to the heart and not a message to the brain. The dream-needer now gets disappointed. (She is already disappointed, because the process has taken 3 weeks so far).
I now try a more figurative approach. 'You want me to give you a flower but I have planted a seed in your heart, and if you cultivate the seed with love and care, it will grow and become a flower. So, you get your flower, but it takes a while. You get your information but it will come from your heart and not from me!'
If I am lucky, the dream-needer says: 'Oh. Like that!' And she now tries to hide her disappointment.
If I am even more lucky, the dream-needer, after a while, says: 'Aha! Maybe involving my heart more in my everyday life, isn't such a bad idea? Hmmmm!'
The dream-needer reluctantly accepts, she must arm herself with patience, and wait and see what happens and we terminate our conversation.
Four months later she has her miracle witch she does not relate to the dream at all.
Everything worked out perfectly!