Course in advanced Soul Retrieval
Jänkänalusta in the wilderness in Sápmi/Lapland
Taught in English and Swedish/Norwegian/Danish simultaneously
We humans have more than one soul. There seems to be agreement about this amongst many of the shamanic traditions. However, there can be different experiences as to how many souls a human being has.
If some of the body soul is missing, a person may experience “physical like” symptoms. We sometimes call them “spirisomatic” symptoms.
“Seen” with shamanic eyes, the four souls look very different. The body soul has its aura, which people with aura-vision can see. The other three souls look completely different. The shaman must have four “eyes” to be able to see the four souls. In my shamanic tradition the shaman has eight eyes.
Some lost soul parts are in the spirit world (dream world, un-ordinary reality); and one way of finding them, is to trance travel to the spirit world – and, if all goes well, bring them back to the client.
We can lose a soul part, if we experience a traumatic event i.e. a chock or serious abuse. We can lose contact with a part of ourselves.
Modern soul retrieval is based on fragmentation shamanism. That is to say, the soul is regarded as a cup that can lose a chip or a jigsaw puzzle that can lose a piece.
Side effects and complications:
Wrong soul part
On the course we will work with different types of soul retrieval healing; and we will work with the side effects and complications, witch may occur.
Like the body, the soul is designed to repair itself. If this does not happen, there is something wrong with the soul's self-repairing system. If you repair the soul's self-repairing system, the soul will begin to repair itself. This means, lost soul parts will begin to return by them selves naturally.
The course is for people who work professionally or semi- professionally with shamanic soul retrieval healing.
The course takes place in the middle of Lapland's magnificent wilderness nature, with a beautiful view of the snow clad mountains – and we will be outside collecting plants for shamanic “spirit medicine,” having a fire and drinking “boiled” coffee.
Venue: Sápmi/Lapland 20 km from Kiruna in Sweden |