Vision Quest for 1 person
Jänkänalusta in the wilderness in Artic Sápmi/Lappland
In English or Scandinavian
We and our ancestors have lived in Scandinavia for over 10,000 years. Our ancestor's ancestors wandered to this place, over mountains and rivers, through valleys and forests, from a faraway place, and their history goes back more than 40.000 years. We each have a root that goes all the way back to that time. Through all of this time our foremothers and forefathers lived their lives based on nature-religion and shamanic sorcery – and we are more and more people who are doing so again.
It is important to have direction in ones life. To have a clear perception of ones purpose in life. It is worth spending some time on. It's been said, that a man who has not got a cause, he is willing to die for - has nothing to live for.
A Vision Quest with me takes place in the wilderness in Lapland, and typically takes 7 days including arrival and departure days. You sit one, or a couple of days, Vision Questing alone; on a mountain, in the woods, by a lake or a river. If you've done it before, you may want to sit alone for longer. A Vision Quest with me must be negotiated four months in advance, and there is a preparation period of 4 to 12 weeks.
On my Vision Quests, the purpose is to get a life long spiritual vocation – a Mission. Perhaps it should really be called Mission Quest. Sometimes realizing your spiritual mission can be a lot of hard work. If you are not willing to realize your lifelong spiritual mission, you are better off not having one.
I only do Vision Quests one to one - one client and one shaman.
To people who practice shamanism, one might say: that Vision Quest, leads us toward a permanent shamanic life journey. It provides a good perspective on, and good frame around, our lives and shamanic practices.
We know our way. We know what we want. It all becomes more clear and satisfactory. We are happier and feel more alive. We breathe. We dance. We soar. We live. We are still here!
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